Hello, I’m an Indonesian author. I wrote books in English and Indonesian language. I love the aesthetic way in telling stories, mostly about the life in parallel universe. Most of my books has the touch of fantasy and mysticism. Here you can find more about my writings. 🤍

The gothic fantasy stories, The Arcanum Revelation Series (Reimagined)

18-year-old Cathy Charlotte somehow has a soul connection to the ancient Vesperian legend. Not that she knows, until Sylvia Elle, an angel in disguised came to reveal the secret, that Cathy is born from the mother who inherits an Italian royal bloodline. One day, Cathy is astonished to know that her mom is part of the frightening secret fraternity. Her mom doesn’t want her to get involved. But the more Cathy is being pushed away, the more she demands the truth. The fraternity is seeking mysterious knowledge from the Vesperian legend. Whoever possesses it can empower the world. And they deeply believe in the old prophecy; “the one inherits the soul, the one holds the knowledge.” Once the mystery reveals, Cathy terrifies. Before anyone finds out what she knows, Cathy must save herself and her family from the wicked chaos.

Book 2 and Book 3 will be upcoming ~

My Recent Publication :

A tragic love story. Two souls are entwined timelessly.

Strange memories often haunt Leonor. As if she is not herself. As if she has a shadow lover. Or is it all just her mad imagination? She questions her reality. As the story from the past has gradually disturbed her, Leonor gets swept away in a world full of mystery.

Kisah cinta yang tragis. Dua jiwa yang saling terhubung sepanjang masa.

Memori aneh kerap menghantui Leonor. Seakan ia bukan dirinya. Seakan ia memiliki kekasih bayangan. Ataukah itu semua sekedar imaji gila? Realitasnya pun ia pertanyakan. Saat kisah dari masa lalu semakin mengusiknya, Leonor hanyut dalam dunia yang penuh misteri.

Special edition with English translation available on Google Books and Hardcover

Book Talk ~ Bahas Serial Horror Jawa Kembang Sukmo :

~ Serial Utama dan Prekuel Horror Jawa ~

Teka-teki kelam dari masa lalu mulai menghantui Samara Nadra sejak ibunya menghilang. Kala surat misterius diterimanya, Samara berpikir ada sesuatu yang besar dirahasiakan ibunya. Kebenaran berlahan terkuak, tak disangka, ibunya menyembunyikan diri sebagai anak raja terhormat. Gusti Larasati, hendak mewarisi ilmu Kembang Sukmo padanya. Samara yang tengah dilanda gundah amarah tak siap menerima ilmu leluhur. Makhluk-makhluk dari alam gaib pun terpanggil, berhasrat merasakan kesaktiannya. Hidupnya terasa suram dan mencekam. Kala hanya pewaris berjiwa kuat yang dapat menerima, takdir membawa Samara menemukan kebenaran akan asal usul keluarganya.

My other published books :

🡄 Alternate Stories of The Arcanum Revelation Series

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  • Official Digital Book Free Copy of Royal Arcanum is Finally Here! (Alternate Stories Edition)

    After the long journey and learning process of writing books, today I’ve decided to release the free PDF copies of my fantasy books. It’s for the Alternate Stories Edition of the Arcanum Revelation Series. These copies are available to download directly on my blog and also on Google Play Books. Meanwhile, I have moved on…

  • Book Update on Royal Arcanum’s Progress

    Hello, everyone! I’m back! Haaa, how long has it been since I wrote a blog post here? I was just too lazy to write a post. But I have finished renovating my blog lol. With the new look now, it’s more fancy and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. Now I come up with the latest…

  • New Cover Re-touched for “Angel of the Valley”

    New cover alert! It’s Angel of the Valley. I have retouched the book cover. It’s so pretty and enchanting now! I feel like I have to do a make-over since the last cover made by Editor Julia was a bit blurry. I totally love this new one now! Read more about the book here😊

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